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The Rivals vibes were immaculate for much longer than is statistical; people were just in there having fun, looking at the cool art, figuring out how to manage a roster of more than thirty universal paragons at once. Quickplay has curdled a bit since then, which it would basically have to do.

Lady Magala

When Gabe rides into one of my hunts, he's always dripped out in the latest monster guts. The first time I saw him he looked like he does in the strip, hugged by weird claws. Moist where he should be dry, and - crucially - dry where he should be moist. It's a heinous affront to wear this evil jerky anywhere, let alone… well, I guess that's what the strip is for.

Is What It Is

I'm way down in the M-hole, which sounds bad, and maybe it is. Maybe it's not safe to be in the M-hole for this duration. One reason might be the prevalence of M down there, or Monsters. It's literally their hole and they don't like it when you go in. Obviously you need guild authorization to hunt monsters but, uh, it's not super hard to get.


Ed Zitron of Better Offline and Where's Your Ed At engages regularly in a unilateral war of aggression against Sam Altman. He has done a ton of research on Sam, as he has for other "rot economy" tech figures, and thus has a sophisticated factual scaffold built around them he can hold them to. For me, it's just like a… taste, or smell. I'm receiving information from some kind of sense, and it is setting off red lights on the panel. Is that fair? I dunno. If I saw a huge lizard gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, to what extent am I required to give it the benefit of the doubt? We clown ourselves when we hold ourselves to baroque standards of fairness around malefactors like this. They know about the rules, they just think those rules are for other people. They depend on this asymmetry. They rely on it.

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