We are - collectively - in a miserable mood. Maybe someday we'll be able to discuss this year's problem in detail - but until then, please enjoy/endure our misanthropy. If you are wondering whether or not I'm speaking about you, ask yourself: Do I draw husky fox men with massive wing-wongs? Gabe may cast a wider net, but for me, that about covers it. TMNT falls under the documented "ninja" exception, as does Sanguine Productions' superlative Jadeclaw. Wishbone, on the other hand, is just disturbing.
This middle section of the post was very long, because it included many kilobytes of graphic data - data culled from the winning Dungeon Siege contest video. I'm not sure if that is connected to the servers getting beaten up today, but just in case, I've moved them onto their own page, which I call "humiliation.php3."
Received a mail from a reader distraught that I hadn't mentioned Heroes of Might And Magic IV - the reason I haven't is because I know better. And it's not like before, where I claimed to know better and then proceeded to consort with to a known MMORPG. With Gunvalkyrie, Jedi Outcast, and Freedom Force still in the hopper, another game - let alone another turn-based game where the average play time is over twenty hours per scenario - is just not possible. Luckily, while excellent graphics are appreciated in a game of this type, it's not like an FPS (let's say) where part of the fun is pushing your machine. I got into HOMM3 after its visuals were a bit stale by modern standards, and it wasn't any worse for wear. Everyone who writes about this kind of shit seems to like it, and if I pick it up a few months from now that's not going to change.
(CW)TB out.
must be the money