The more time passes, the more I hate Prometheus. My theory is that I've wrung all the juice out of the Goddamn thing now, every touchpoint about The Pilot or Engineers or Xenomorphs or whatever, so all I have left is this hateful, spongy rind.
People get way crazier about movies than they do about videogames, any day of the week; it usually isn't wise to insert coin into these kinds of conversations. But, good God! This movie makes me want to fight someone, and I know exactly who. I must have, in the prosecution of my satirical duties, made a person as angry as I am now. The thought terrifies me, frankly; the culmination of that particular narrative seems like a "when" proposition, as opposed to "if." I'm glad I'm taking Karate.
The best thing we can do with it now is to use it as a cautionary tale, to glean the education from it, and burn the remainder.
To this end I have endeavored to scour my mind with your recent vidyogames. Grabbed Krater yesterday, and I... couldn't tell you what it is exactly; it's a single player MOBA? An RTS Diablo? I don't have any Goddamned idea, and honestly that's sort of refreshing. I appreciate the kind of toy I can't grip readily with the suspended claw. Sins of a Solar Empire is a game I always liked, and wanted to be devoured by, but the timing never worked out: the Rebellion expandalone has arrived in time for me to gift a copy to a unsuspecting comrade, and the resultant guilt trip should power two or three rounds at least.
On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness: Episode 3 was well received at E3, which is nice, because we tried desperately to bring about that very result. We're committed to releasing it "When It's Done" as they say, and it is done, so waiting until July seems dumb. How does the 25th sound, for Steam and XBLIG? Zeboyd is throwing in Cthulhu Saves The World for Steam purchases in the first week, which I thought was sweet of them. The ports are... porting, EVEN NOW, and the PC version will have SteamPlay when Mac goes live. The trailer goes up Monday; I am trying not to be excited, to temper my expectations, but I am not doing a very good job .
(CW)TB out.