You've probably seen the video, but maybe you didn't know it was called Cozmo. In any case this is a Robot from the Anki Drive people and it's possible to get one but you have to buy it in more or less the same way and for more or less the same price as an equivalent weight of cocaine.
I don't comport myself in the way character does in the strip; I can only be made happy in a convoluted way, by creating the preconditions for happiness in others. It's a huge pain in the ass. It looks prosocial, and as a practical matter that is its payload, but it's a hugely complex process being in the business of Manufacturing Joy. It is, in every conceivable way, like playing chess against the universe.
I have really enjoyed writing Malevolent Advertising Copy on Mondays, and I'll be sad when I have no good purpose to do so. It probably leaked out into today's strip. Technically, we'll have a store even after the Holidays, but still. A Twitter Person said that they would rather have more short fiction like that than any kind of shirt from the store, which is a note I'll gladly take. That's what I would like, too. In the new year, expect LEXCALIBUR: Useful Poetry For Adventurers Above And Below The Earth, illustrated by Mark Krahuli. In the meantime, if you want to see what I would do with a longer format and also travel backward in time, I would check out the fiction I wrote for On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness. Like any true artist, I think I'm garbage and only produce liquid shit. But I think the Rainslick Chapters are "not terrible."
Hey, if you need some company this afternoon, why not stop by the Twitch Stream at 2:00pm PST? Last time, Josh and Ryan made me eat a ton of dried crabs when people subscribed. And then, for some reason, Josh said that I would eat five times as many desiccated crabs after 3:30. Generally people are looking for more subscribers, but I was glad there weren't many, because by the end each sub meant I had to eat a literal handful of crabs.
(CW)TB out.