It's my actual, real birthday today, which is a little scary, because from a perceptual standpoint I feel like I just did all this shit. Partly because of how the PAX half of the year is constructed, and partly due to the ossification of my brain with age, the second half of every year is the going-down-very-fast portion of the roller coaster and I often find myself waking up here in February or so, blinking as though at a bright light. I put it this way last year, and I have no qualms with that presentation - it still feels more or less true, from the harrowing draconic imagery up to the heartfelt thanks enunciated at its culmination.
You might have seen the profound Acquisitions Incorporated shirt "collab" between Gavin and Gabriel at PAX South, where these artifacts were available for purchase. I have been asked innumerable times (okay, maybe like a hundred or so times) if the shirts would be available on the store, and they will! For reference, I'm talking about these shirts:

Yes, those shirts. They'll hit the store on Valentine's Day, at 9am PST. And, because our Merchandise Manager Lidija is always looking for ways to honor and delight you, she had these rad Valentines made. We'll drop one in your order!

Getting Acquisitions Incorporated to PAX South was the first manoeuvre in a sequence of sophisticated plays that have, as their purpose and design, the recognition that people like Acquisitions Incorporated and we should be taking that affection seriously.
(CW)TB out.