Gabe and Kara have a bunch of "discover packs" - the Dropmix equivalent of a booster pack - that I haven't heard yet, and the thought that they have a bunch of universally pluggable audio chunks just laying around their home gives me feelings.
There is sometimes a strange dichotomy that must be traversed when playing the game, something we approach in the strip: that you can arrive at a kind of sonic apotheosis, a musical plateau that elevates consciousness, and then… you need to play a red card and remove a cool The Weeknd sample because that's currently the optimal play. Obviously, that doesn't happen in the open-ended Freestyle mode. But you don't always arrive at the same mixes there, even with optimal choices, because sometimes the act of playing the best card creates something amazing you wouldn't have chosen otherwise. This is some motherfucking cosmic-ass shit.
I gotta draw your attention to the VOD of when we played Dropmix on the stream, and had Strip Search alum, Thorwatch: Eyrewood Adventures artist, and longtime ally Nick Trujillo hop on the show. He spit off the dome over tracks we were making up underneath the flow, changing them at our whim. We also demo out the Clash mode, a playstyle which can be described as "Super Street Uno Hyper DX" which is pretty fun in its own right in addition to effortlessly creating music.
Hey! PAX Aus is coming up, like… end of the month type coming up - there's still a couple announcements on that front to make. But we also need your queries for the Q&A panel, so please take a moment to supply novel Qs we can apply our expert As to.
(CW)TB out.