He really spoke these words and then immediately started laughing. "That's probably a strip," he said.
When I meet interesting people at a PAX, something that happens with great frequency, I often ask them if they've considered putting up a panel. Then, they ask me how they can do that, surprised that such a thing is possible. I'll extend all the same information to you now that I extend to them: while we have many panels that are PAX staples, culturally speaking, that describes a relatively small percentage of the total roster. All you need to do to seize the rhetorical means of production is have a concept for a panel, invite others in your crew or from the wider Internet to host it, and then submit it when we roll out the request for a specific show. This is one of the coolest parts about PAX in general, and you - for all values of "you" - have as much right to it as anyone else.
The next show we're putting out panel requests for is PAX South 2018, so if you want an opportunity to communicate to an incredible audience, get your submissions in now. The offer closes on Monday, and I'll remind you again then, but why take the chance?
There are opportunities for devs as well, at the shows: practically since the show's founding, we've carved out some free space in the form of the PAX 10. PAX South is unique in that the showcase is focused on tabletop games. There's an entry fee for consideration, but not an onerous one, and being selected for this honor grants you a booth, site announcements for your game, show passes, and more. Sound good? Then let's see what you got.
(CW)TB out.