I'm not sure I want a new gaming platform right now, one that isn't connected to anything I already own or any of the people that I know. At this point in the perpetual ebb and flow of centralization and decentralization, this is just what's happening: the real vigor is supposed to be elsewhere, and you're supposed to borrow it forever. I understand why it's a good business model, but it's so clearly a model in search of an audience that I'm content to just let their wet tentacle slap against the windowpane for a while.
I have seen Streaming Solutions that I found quite functional, they maintained the experience quite well, except for when they didn't. Latency can still manufacture what is colloquially called "a bad time" even if all the silicon is in your house, apportioned into little idols. I'd be substantially more likely to consider the platforms that extend the profundity of investment I've already made in a machine and library, transforming my Xbox or Playstation into a huffable, remote aerosol. I'm gonna have to see more from Stadia, and not just pricing or whatever. I'm not going to assess it on the axes they value. It's going to be much more existential; much lower to the ground.
Also, the name is dumb, but the Wii wasn't my favorite name either and my fucking grandparents own one. I think I'm just gonna play games for awhile, for the duration it takes all these multinational behemoths to tear out each other's throats. Then I'm gonna look around and if I see somebody who still has a throat I'm gonna be like, "There's something different about that one. Something special."
Gabriel and myself are NOT good at Sekiro but that has not kept us from liking it. I like combat systems that are timing and defense focused, and the "posture" system Sekiro presents - one where form and focus is the only thing standing between warriors and gruesome, one-hit kills - plays into some of my favorite mechanical tropes. We're gonna be back in the studio playing that for a couple hours starting at 2pm PDT on the strimm.
(CW)TB out.