You mighta seen the story - maybe you didn't? I don't feel like we've exaggerated the arc really in any way. This is more or less what happened! They definitely activated social; I bet shares were through the roof. I suspect that sometimes, very rarely, there is a such a thing as bad press.
Eric is attending a training tomorrow, so we won't be able to do the brewing show, but Gabriel has kindly taken up that precious zone between 12:00pm and 1:30pm PDT and wherever two or more Gundam are gathered in my name, there shall I be also. What I'm saying is that Mike and I will be streaming together. Maybe you never went to church and didn't hear that phrase. Anyway, he's gonna keep going on his Perfect Grade Sinanju, which is some pretty serious shit and has taken up several afternoons on the channel so far:
It's weirdly relaxing to watch it manufactured, and I don't miss an episode. We spend the rest of the time discussing shit while it comes together. I look forward to it a weird amount.
(CW)TB out.