Nobody wants this digital property to achieve efficient, scalable, trustworthy ubiquity more than me. Believe it! I just don't know how a digitally monogrammed Wolf Pants A in Ghost Recon gets us there. I 'm not sure this is the peal of dissonant horns that presages Earth's Final Hour or whatever but I also don't know what we as customers get out of it.
I think it's telling that they didn't risk the R6: Siege audience over this, or shit, even the For Honor audience. Not even The Crew 2! They burrowed this tendril instead into Ghost Recon Breakpoint, a game that has been a work in progress since it launched and has, at different times, been utterly different games. It doesn't bespeak confidence in the undertaking. It's purpose, the only purpose it is capable of serving, is to be the rhetorical camel's nose under the metaphorical tent. The snuffling has begun in earnest.
Gathered friends! Hey, so, our second volume of fantasy poetry - Lexcalibur II - just became available for Pre-Order, which I recommend you do! There is also a cool shirt and digital options in the collection for you to peruse.
Lexcalibur always seems to emerge when I need it to, and it got me through some incredibly dark times last fall. I would like very much to say that those times are over, but every story I hear on the news currently is giving me "two weeks to flatten the curve" vibes which lays upon my spirit like a heavy weight. I have PTSD from something that isn't even over, yet; it didn't stop happening. That's how long it's been going on. The pitch for Lexcalibur has always been "What if Shel Silverstein were your Dungeon Master?" but there is also a secondary pitch, which is, "What if medicine, but for your mind?" because that's more or less what it was for me to write it. It is our great pleasure to offer it to you, it was the work of many hands, and you get a cool bookmark with even more poems and art on it just for preordering. Take a look!
(CW)TB out.