The two all-time best VR games are Job Simulator and Demeo - I won't be taking questions at this time. I will, however, be taking comments that acquiesce fully to my worldview.
Demeo now includes Augmented Reality features after the launch of the Quest 3, and it took us a while to get synced up, and the reason is because we were fucking doing it wrong. By the time we had an opportunity to be amazed by it, the batteries were gone. It's an experimental feature, but it does work and you need not suffer as we did. Here's a video from someone who seems really cool and explains it very well:
There's a couple specific things: One, you need to actually tell your room setup where the table is. We thought this was a safety thing, like "don't bump your shin on this," but it needs to know if something is a table or not so their "Shared Spacial Anchors" can define the room. You also need to authorize it to share that data to begin with, because it constitutes private data. That part makes sense!
We didn't know what we were doing, like I said, so we just put the table in the same place and turned it until our movements synced up with our digital projections. I have spent a lot of time in these virtumal realmz, I never really stopped using them. But there's something about AR, where we are both interacting with the same thing in the same way, that mounts a really effective campaign against the mind - amplifying the reality of these objects. I've been around this stuff long enough to know what's up, but when I took the headset off a significant portion of my mind was surprised to find that the game we'd played had truly been an illusion.
(CW)TB out.