It's probably too inside baseball, or… inside mucous-encapsulated ova, but occasionally we must be allowed to amuse ourselves on our own website. I hauled a case of ravenous insects all over hell's half-acre, and only had a chance to use them the very last night of the show - at 3am, we had to pause right in the middle. But that's when this conversation came up. Technically, it was with Eric but if I'm gonna call someone an idiot multiple times in one panel it's probably more strategic to have it be the same person I've shamed for three decades.
I'm really in the teeth of this thing now - the hot blush of it. I would never try to sell a person on the hobby in this particular post - indeed, even describing how the hobby actually works may curdle any nascent desire. It's essentially a trunk of braided hobbies, a grimdark bouquet, and not one but multiple games, some of which can use the same models. And because every one of these models interacts with each of these systems in a distinct way, it has what every good hobby should have - which is to say, no perceivable bottom. You can drop a rock in the top of this motherfucker and never hear the splash.
Some armies you might play have novel characters that end up in books, and you can get a sense of what a ten thousand year-old battle eunuch really wants out of life. Not my army! My army looks like this:
That's the little guy from the strip, all blown up. One of the reason I like him is that his little face looks like he's sayin' "Nyeeeeeeh!" but another reason is that when his "barbed ovipositor" destroys models it turns them into a writhing carpet of wet-ass bugs (WAB). Kiko assumed that I wouldn't want to paint this many bugs, which is reasonable, because it's a fuck-ton. But I essentially made them for my friends - I want them to get the sense that they are being "zerg rushed," that a chittering wall of them is growing ever closer. I painted them because I thought they would be a fun opponent, and the better I get at playing them, the more like an onrushing wave of chitin they will become and the more fun it will be to defeat them. It's the most pro-social usage of a world-eating, interstellar hive fleet I can possibly imagine.
Our newest episode of Seattle by Night just hit YubTub - feast upon it! Great table, great Storyteller, and it has powerful family dynamics plus potent eroticism - but crucially, not at the same time.
(CW)TB out.