Thanks for all the great input on Land of the Rising Fun. It seems like lots of you would like to see us cover games that won't be coming to the US at all. Also many of you requested reviews of GBA games since you can play Japanese games on your US GBA without any special modifications. I also got mail asking us to look at older games for systems like the Saturn and the Dreamcast. These are all great ideas and we can certainly do all of them. One of the ideas that seemed to come up a lot was a sort of import gaming 101 article. Lots of people avoid importing games simply because it's so damn confusing. What hardware will I need? How do I get a MOD chip? What the hell IS a MOD chip? I think this is a fantastic idea. In fact I would like to start collecting questions for it right now. If you ever had a question about importing games but you were afraid to ask please send it to me. The more questions I get the better this article is gonna be so please hook me up.
I also want to make sure everyone knows that a feature like Land of the Rising Fun would not be possible without the support of It is because of them that we are able to review these games for you. If you are excited about LOTRF please show your support for it by supporting the guys at
Next up on the list of games for Land of the Rising Fun is a look at Gundam Federation vs. Zeon for the Dreamcast. Tycho has this one right now and should have something for us next week. Word is this one might make it to the US PS2 at some point down the road but you'll never see it on a US Dreamcast.
Confidential to Tycho: Try not to embarrass me on the radio tonight you dip shit.
-Gabe out