I am absolutely in love with the Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer test. My favorite part of the game is setting people on fire with the incendiary grenades. There is nothing quite as satisfying as slow roasting a terrorist. It’s only fitting that I spend most of my time defending the briefcase from attacks through the kitchen. I only wish I could add an apron to my player model and maybe one of those fancy chef hats.
Tycho said pretty much everything I wanted to say about the radio interview. It’s incredibly embarrassing to have the person interviewing you not know who you are. I’m not saying everyone should know who I am but he did ask to interview us. He could have at least looked at the website. Oh well.
I would like to ask that you continue to send me your questions about import gaming for our import gaming 101 feature. The more questions I get from you the better it will be. Oh, and just so you know I will not be answering these by myself. I will be taking your questions along with some of my own, right to the experts.
Speaking of imports I am playing Kingdom Hearts right now. I plan on having my impressions of it up by the end of the week. It looks like it is set for an October release here in the US. I'll let you know if it's worth importing before then.
I am working on something extra special for next month's Club PA gift. I don't want to give away too much but I will give you a hint. There are Penny Arcade comics that you have never seen. That's all I'm gonna say for right now. There is still plenty of time to get this month's gift as well if you have not done so already. Members this month got parts two and three of our behind the scenes look at Penny Arcade. Part two covered how I color the comic and part three showed how I make the backgrounds.
-Gabe out