I cried during Episode II.
I tried not to. I told myself to suck it up, it's just a movie. By the end of it though there was no holding it back. Yoda walked around the corner and I started bawling. I watched the last 20 minutes of the movie through tears of absolute joy. The Imperial march kicked in as the camera panned over the clone army and I was blubbering like an idiot. As Kara and I were walking out of the theatre I couldn't stop smiling. I just felt so goddamned good that I couldn't keep this big goofy grin off my face. All I wanted to do was turn around and go see it again.
I would like to draw your attention to the Land of the Rising Fun. I just added my thoughts on Konami's fantastic new import title Rave: The Groove Adventure. No, it's not a music game. I talked to Travis over at VideoGameDepot and he said they are expecting to get some more copies of the game next week sometime. So if you read my little review and decide you must have it, shoot them and e-mail and they can get you some details on when it will be back in stock. I'd also like to thank VideoGameDepot, not only do they hook us up with great import titles for Land of the Rising Fun they are also supporting PA by advertising with us this month. Keep in mind they have a lot of cool stuff besides just import games. For example, I would kill a man to get my hands on this Haomaru model.
Also, be sure and check out the latest hilarious installment of Love and Hate.
-Gabe out