Most of my e-mail lately has been people who donated to club PA this month wanting to know when they can expect to see Over Easy in their inbox. I'd say I am probably 90 percent finished with the first two pages at this point. I'll be spending today trying to wrap up the last few panels I have to do. As Tycho mentioned earlier, Kiko will be doing all the sound effects lettering in OE and I couldn't be happier. My goal is to get over easy mailed out to all the Club PA members next Tuesday. That's almost 1000 people though so it may take me a day or two. If you don't have it by Friday of next week, fire me off an e-mail and I will make sure you get hooked up. I know it's taking a long time but just sit tight for a few more days. I'm really proud of the way this is turning out and I can't wait for you all to see it.
Oh, and if you donate through Amazon be sure and check the box that sends me your e-mail address.
-Gabe out