Part Two of "Cardboard and Steel," Penny Arcade's epic samurai tale, awaits you. I want to stress that I use the term "epic" rather loosely, for example - I think my belt is rather epic. This page is really cool, by the way. That's something I can get away with saying because I had very little to do with it. The first panel of the strip has been fashioned into a wallpaper, if you are so inclined.

There are some bits of Penny Arcade news that need to be communicated.
One, my friend and associate Plastik360 is completing a scrumptious RSS feed for Penny Arcade. I'm in no position to tell you what that stands for, something with R, but I suspect that many heads are nodding in unison. The long and the short of it is that it will allow easy, multiplatform content tracking for our strips and posts which can be digested by apps like Kontent for OSX, a sort of news reader that utilizes this feature. Anyway, when he told me about it, it sounded like a cool idea and I couldn't think of any reason why not.
Two, humans have expressed some agitation over our boycott of the Amazon Honor System. Many people feel that Paypal is at least in league with Satan, if not itself the Sovereign of Hell. I respect that. It is the hope that our upcoming online store, set for launch this month, will have some functionality of this kind.
Three, on the Club PA tip, it pleases me to announce that I have sent the gift out to every e-mail address I have. Of course, if you donated through Amazon, I never got it - please mail me at and I will get you squared away. That e-mail address is meant to serve a sort of "Customer Service" role, if you have any problems with your membership at all feel free to communicate those concerns to me via that account. I think I might take over the sending out of the gift, HomeLAN gave me some pretty bad-ass tools to get the job done.
(CW)TB out.
where is my mind