The toy drive this weekend at Toys R Us ended up being quite an adventure. We arrived at about 12:00 but it turns out we were walking right into a trap.

Boba Fett had apparently anticipated this move and he managed to beat us there. We battled it out in a brief but heated blaster fight. I wound up frozen in carbonite and Boba Fett took possession of baby Gabe.

He immediately turned the baby over to Lord Vader who remarked "The Force is strong with this one." Later adding, "Uh-Oh, I think someone's poopy."
I imagine Vader has taken him to the Emperor who will no doubt show him the true power of the dark side. He'll be raised in the ways of the Sith and will eventually take Vaders place at the right hand of the Emperor. Honestly as a father, I couldn't be more proud.
-Gabe out