I think it's pretty amazing that the art auctions alone are up to almost five thousand dollars - take a look if you want. Those pieces of paper were just laying in a drawer, and now they could be anything - thirty consoles, hell, forty five if we went with Gamecubes. Grab some Wavebirds so you can get down from the hospital bed, maybe. We'll see where the holes are in the purchases and plug those holes with game systems.
You might be wondering what I gave this year. Last year, I gave Onyx and Cobalt GBA SPs. This year, it broke down like this:

As you can see, the Onyx SP has become something of a tradition. I've always wanted one myself, buying other people things I want is me trying to reverse engineer the karmic response of the universe.
Mario Party 6, though - that's some pretty hot shit. We played a game of that yesterday that was simply epic. I'm not sold on the microphone as a legitimate addition to the series, but you don't have to plug it in if you don't want to. And I didn't.