Through a combination of luck, and some help from my guild I was finally able to obtain the entire "Blackened Defias Armor" set which in my opinion looks bad fucking ass.

So yesterday at the office I was sort of sketching and Tycho came over to my desk to see what I was doing. I hid my work and hissed at him until he left. Then Robert came in and asked what the hell I was doing. I broke down and explained I was drawing pictures of my WOW character and he looked at me with a mixture of pity and disgust. It's like he was looking at a good friend who was tragically hooked on the crack cocaine. I fell on the ground painfully aware that he was probably right. I laid there half crying, half laughing wondering what the hell had happened to me. I used to make fun of Tycho when he'd come to me years ago with his sad little crumpled character sheets asking for drawings of dwarves or ridiculous Irish priest/paranormal investigators. Now here I am years later scribbling portraits of my own Night Elf Rogue and constructing elaborate stories of betrayal and lost love to fuel his online adventures.
Robert left me there to shiver on the floor while I examined the dark depths of my obsession. I decided that when I got home I'd play some other game instead of wow, any other game it really didn't matter. I had to break away for even just one night. Then I got to thinking about all those unfinished quests I had in Darkshire and pretty soon I'd been playing four hours and then the pay off… Ding 24.
Yeah thanks.
-Gabe out