I’m home now and feeling significantly better. Thanks to everyone who showed up and stood in line to get one of our comic books.

During E3 we had a very good meeting with Arun Mathews, a Medical Informatics fellow at Johns Hopkins. He’s the man behind a project called “HOPE”. They are a group of doctors who believe that access to online gaming can help improve the quality of life of hospitalized children. For example, kids who need to be hooked up to a dialysis machine multiple times every week might benefit from being able to play games during the procedure. It will keep them occupied and they might even ask for less pain medication. This seems totally obvious to us but these doctors plan on proving it with hard data. This seemed like exactly the sort of thing that Child’s Play was designed to do and so we’ve decided to help fund their research. We’ve given them a donation on behalf of Child’s Play in order to help them with their initial test.
I think that you will see us working very closely with these guys this year when Child’s Play rolls back around. Their initial test will be over around November and there is no doubt in my mind that the data they collect will prove that hospitalized kids with access to games are happier. At that point the goal of these doctors becomes connecting every child with a debilitating ailment to an online gaming network so they can socialize and play together. I don’t see any reason why Child’s Play can’t make sure that happens.
The other big news I have is about PAX. I’m happy to announce that we’ll have Nintendo as an exhibitor at this years show. My guess is that show goers will get their hands on the new Zelda, which was voted game of the show at E3 this year by Show Daily. I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought some of the new Mario sports titles along with some of the new DS stuff either. This year’s exhibition hall is actually three times the size of last years and it’s absolutely packed with awesome games. In addition to 18,000 square feet of exhibition space we’ve added another night of music this year. The music concert on Saturday has already been announced but we’ve decided to put on another concert on Friday night with a completely different line up of bands. We’ll be announcing those soon and I guarantee you guys are gonna love it. Also all you caffeine junkies will be happy to hear that Bawls will be back again this year. If you haven’t done it yet I recommend getting your ass signed up now. BEST PAX EVAR!
-Gabe out :o: