So last night I waited 45 minutes to play an eight minute game of CTF in the Warsong Gulch Battleground. Those eight minutes were pretty fun but once it was all over the server booted me back out to wait in line again for another game. I guess I didn’t understand how Battlegrounds was going to work.
You can’t just go and play BG. A person couldn’t say “tonight I’m just going to play a bunch of Battlegrounds.” and then do that. It’s not like Quake or Battlefield in that way. I guess I sort of thought it would be. What you do is get yourself in the Queue and then you go off and play Wow just like normal. You do your quests and you grind your mobs and maybe once every hour or so you get to play a BG game. It seems like it’s designed to compliment your regular WOW play, rather than provide an alternative for people tired of grinding and questing.
I quit playing wow about a month ago at level 51. I’d been playing it since early beta and I just felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. I guess I was, I mean that’s what an MMO is all about. I think WOW is certainly the best of the MMO’s but it’s still an MMO and I can only do so many kill quests before I get tired of it. I figured BG would bring me back around to WOW because it would give me something else to do with a character I am very fond of in a world I love. It isn’t exactly what I thought it would be though.
I can say that it has inspired me to grab those last nine levels so that I can be more useful in BG. While waiting in line tonight for some BG action I’ll probably run up to Felwood and try to grab a level or two. If nothing else my month long hiatus has given me quite a bit of rest that should make the next few levels a breeze. I’d also like to give the Alterac BG a try as I understand that one provides a much more robust play experience beyond basic CTF. I’ll give it another go tonight and probably talk more about it this week.
-Gabe out :o: