I have a few moments here while the prince slumbers, so I resolved some of the atrocious spelling in that first entry. I would blame it on the amount of sleep I had, but I haven't really had any.
Preoccupation with my heir has caused me to neglect my annual cheerleading for Child's Play, not that it appears to have affected the "take." I must say that the meaning of it has really shifted for me in the last couple days, a shift in magnification I would say. Where I might have seen a young man or woman who might be served by the toys and games of our heritage under frightening circumstances, I now see the parents one level above for whom any improvement in that child's stay would constitute a profound blessing.
We've added new hospitals to the Child's Play page, so if you haven't given yet please take a look and see if we've been able to set up shop somewhere close to you. I'll let you know what I picked up for Seattle Children's on Monday.

November 25, 2005