I guess there's a chance that some of you reading this might not have pets with leaky butts. I do, and let me tell you it's no fun. Every time we take our cat to get her butt squeezed the doctor tells me she can show me how to do it at home. She suggests it would save me some money. There are certain things I am willing to do at home to save money. For example, I ask my wife to cut my hair. Something I won't do is reach into my cats asshole and wring out its butt juice. I'm willing to pay a professional for that.
Tomorrow night is the first meeting of the Arcadia Battle Academy. That's the name given to the Pokemon TCG league we're trying to start. We'll be meeting at the Comic Stop in Lynnwood from 6pm to 8pm tomorrow (Tuesday the 23rd). I've gone ahead and created a thread that you can post in right here. If you're planning on attending and you wouldn't mind making a quick post in there I'd appreciate it. I'd like to get an idea of attendance before tomorrow if possible. We're going to focus mainly on the Pokemon TCG. It will be a chance to play new decks and hopefully learn more about the game. Go ahead and bring your boxes and binders if you want to do some trading. Also, this is an all ages deal so if your kids play please feel free to bring them.
Like I said I want to focus on the TCG but I will also be bringing a box of the new Pokemon Miniatures if anyone wants to give that a try. You can even bring your Diamonds and pearls if you want to trade or battle on the DS.
It turns out there's another Pokemon TCG league that meets at the same time pretty close to us. We may end up wanting to shift our time for the next get together so as not to compete with the other group. We can figure out the frequency and time of our meetings tomorrow night.
Speaking of card games it looks like Eye of Judgment is still set to ship tomorrow. If you pick it up and your looking for a game Tycho and I are ready. We have it set up here in the office and the account on this PS3 is "CWGabe". So go ahead and add that name to your friends list.
-Gabe out

October 22, 2007