Pork is here. He won't leave. Who invited him? Not me. I'm so angry.
If you were able to grab a copy of Eye of Judgment last week you might be interested in this EOJ tournament. It's being organized by our Forum and sign ups are going on right now through Wednesday. You can get all the details right here.
Our Pokemon League will be meeting again tomorrow night at the Comic Stop. Last week we had about thirty people show up and it was a blast. Our plan for tomorrow is to try and start as close to six as possible. We got a late start last time and that limited the number of games we were able to play. I think we will try and do 40 min rounds which means if we start on time three rounds should be easy. Also, don't forget that the new expansion Secret Wonders comes out November 7th. I actually attended a prerelease event for the new expansion over the weekend and scored some boosters. I know a few other people from our crew made it out to the event as well so there should be quite a few of the new cards floating around tomorrow night. We'll have the miniatures there again and you Diamond/Pearl players are also welcome. We've got our own forum now so please use it. Feel free to post deck ideas or trading requests. I know we've got a few people in there that are experts so if you have any questions about cards or strategies post them.
Finally, thank you all very much for the kind words regarding the artwork recently. The last two strips have been a lot of fun to draw. Having the entire joke rest on the art is always a lot of pressure. I had a few people ask if Tycho is involved in the strips with no text and the answer is yes. We still sit down together and "write" them. In fact in the case of the Ratchet and Clank comic we actually had dialogue for each panel and then Tycho said "can we do it without text?" It was a challenge but I think that decision made it a much stronger comic.
-Gabe out

October 29, 2007