MC Frontalot is kicking off a big November tour. Will he be playing at a venue near you? You can hit this site for all the shows and dates. If he's going to be within four or five states of you I recommend making the drive. I don't mean the little bullshit states they have over on the east coast either. I mean big manly states like we have over here.
Child's Play is in full swing and I am proud to report that this is the best start we've ever had. There are tons of fund raising events being planned all over the world this year. We have a couple of our own that I wanted to remind everyone of. First is the charity poker tournament. It will be Saturday December first at the Comic Stop. You can get all the details right here. If you're in the area it's a really fun night and a great way to help Child's Play.
Also, you can now purchase tickets for this years Child's Play charity dinner and auction. Here's the lowdown:
Since its inception in November 2003, gamers and geeks around the world have raised over two million dollars in toys, games, and cash for sick kids through Child's Play. Our annual fund raising dinner auction is the headline event for the drive; please come out for a delightful evening and support the gamers' charity!
The evening begins Tuesday, December 11 at 6:30 pm, on the 4th Floor of the Washington Convention Center (Skybridge). Meet Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade, browse and bid on silent auction items while you enjoy hors d'oeuvres, wine, and good company. Dinner and the live auction will commence at 7:30.
Attire: Semi-Formal, no jeans please. Tuxedos welcome! Show off a little for your friends and peers.
I look forward to this night all year. I want to stress that we'll have tons of items there for all price ranges. It's true that in years past we've had people in bidding wars standing up at their tables and raising the price of items by tens of thousands of dollars with each new bid. We've also got items in the silent auction that go for under fifty bucks. Honestly just attending the dinner is a great way to support the Charity and even if you don't bid on a single item I guarantee an unforgettable evening.
You can purchase your tickets right now through Brown Paper Tickets.

November 9, 2007