The train of benevolence keeps chugging along, trailing behind it cars of good cheer. Occasionally, a toy will bounce from these heaped cars and land in the grass alongside the track. And, when this happens, know that blooms and juicy wild fruits burst from the spot.
We have ticked forward the joy thermometer that we maintain on the official Child's Play site, bringing the total to $330,000 dollars. That's steady. I expect a few significant leaps as we enter December, because as a fully peer-to-peer charity event there are considerable donations currently tied up in local nodes which are still growing. Also, the Child's Play Charity Dinner & Auction - now an annual staple - is not only a fantastic time, but has been a tremendously successful event in years past. It's less than two weeks away, so if you'd like to attend please let us know.

November 23, 2007