I've got some quick Child's Play updates for you.
- It's only the 5th of December and we've already topped half a million dollars in donations. That's just fucking amazing.
- We've only got about fifty seats left for the charity dinner and auction next week. If you want to go I 'd get your tickets as soon as possible.
-The auction for two tickets to the dinner and seats with Wil Wheaton is back up. The original winner talked to his wife after winning and found out they couldn't make it. He asked us to keep the money and put the tickets back up on eBay. So that's what we did. Once again, the winning bidder will get two tickets to the dinner and seats with Wil. The table will also host some Bungie peeps as well as our very own Robert Khoo.
- Ensemble studios has donated a bunch of gorgeous Halo Wars artwork to us for the auction. They've also got a pretty incredible auction up on eBay right now.
-Gabe out

December 5, 2007