I stopped by EB yesterday to pick up a copy of Deadspace: Extraction. The store out at the Northgate mall is on my way to work so I popped in there just as they were opening. I asked for Deadspace and the girl told me that she had sold out of the couple they got and that I should have pre-ordered it. Being told that I should have pre-ordered a game is like the dentist telling me that I need to floss more. I'm not sure how shaming your customers is a good business policy.
I told her this was a big game from a big publisher and I just assumed they would have more than a couple copies. It's not like I went in there asking for some obscure NIS game. She told me that no one had really pre-ordered it and again explained that I should pre-order the stuff I want.
I ended up going literally across the street to Best Buy in search of the game and had no trouble finding it. In fact they had a bunch.
Dear EB, this is how a fucking store works. You go there and you buy the thing you want. No one gives you shit for not pre-ordering it. No one asks you to pre-order games you might want six months from now. They don't try and sell you a used copy. You just walk in and buy what you want.
Also why are all EB's staffed by girls now? I'm not complaining, I just think it's sort of odd that in all the Eb's around me I haven't seen one guy working the counter. Is this some sort of new company policy?
I have two Penny Arcade related updates for you:
-Episode 6 of the D&D podcast went up today, you can find it here. Things are not looking good for our heroes.
-Page 3 of our Tekken comic book went up today, you can get that here.
-Gabe out