Episode 2 of the Penny Arcade show went up last Friday. We've also put up a FAQ to answer some of your PATV related questions. The important thing is that PATV is sort of like a channel. Every Friday you'll be able to hit the PATV site and watch a new show. Each month you'll get two episodes of Penny Arcade: The Series. That's what we've got up there right now. This is a documentary style look at life here at PA. You will also get one episode of a show we're calling the Fourth Panel. This is essentially a video version of the Podcasts we used to do. This will just be the camera stuck on Tycho and I as we write a comic. Finally, on the last Friday of each month you'll get a Blamimation from Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub.
The response to the show so far as been great and I appreciate all the mails you guys are sending my way. This is a really big project for us and like anything we do, we're only advertising it here on PA. So if you like the show, do us a favor and tell your friends about it.
-Gabe out