If you follow my twitter than you already know the exciting news. If not, then get your ass ready for some exciting news!
Yesterday it was announced that our comic idea “The New Kid” has been optioned by Paramount with the intention of turning it into an animated feature length movie! I got a lot of questions yesterday via the Twitters and honestly I don’t know much more than that. Here’s what I can say:
-Tycho and I worked very closely with Gary to flesh out the world of the New Kid and develop a movie plot.
-Gary is a friend of ours and a very talented writer. This is not the first time we have trusted him with one of our babies. You might remember that he wrote an amazing Automata storyline not too long ago.
- This does not mean that you will see the New Kid in theatres next summer. Paramount has it now and they will decide if and when to make the movie. Obviously this is a HUGE deal for us and my fingers are crossed that this thing picks up steam right away but you never know. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you guys updated.
-Gabe out