Looking over these Dickerdoodle submissions I have to say that you guys are some of the most offensive monsters I have ever seen. I love this kind of stuff but I am constantly amazed at how many of you share my love of the "wrong". You're like my own perverted version of Dumbledore's army.
Today I found this gem and I had to share it early. I actually gasped when I saw it. Tycho came over and scolded me. He pointed at my monitor and yelled "You did this! You are responsible!"
This submission comes from Girls are Geeks. I have to say I am especially impressed with the camel whose humps appear to be testicles.
The contest isn't over until Wedensday but I wanted to let you all know that everyone seems to have upped their game this year. I'm seeing some truly horrible things. I guess you could say that the competition this year is...stiff.
Like an erection.
Penis joke.
-Gabe out