Star Wars Kinect is a real shitfest. Unless you happen to be a seven year old.
That’s my son playing it there. He’s swinging one of his own plastic Lightsabers which he says makes the game even better. He loves the Jedi Destiny mode which has you jumping and swinging your way through a Padawan adventure.
We tried the other game modes on the disc including the dance game and he was confused. “Why would they put dancing in Star Wars? Why wouldn’t you just play Dance Central?” he asked me. These are excellent questions that I did not have good answers for. He thought the Pod Racing was boring and I have to agree with him.
I gave it a shot myself and like most of my Kinect experiences I hated it. It will occasionally perhaps accidentally work the way it is intended for a split second and you will experience something very near fun. The rest of the time you’re just jumping around like an idiot trying to make the fucking thing do what you want. When it isn’t outright frustrating it’s just stupid and boring.
Unless as I said earlier, you are seven years old and you just need an opportunity to jump around in front of a TV while swinging a Lightsaber.
Maybe that’s the Kinect’s real demographic. People who don’t know any better.
-Gabe out