With today’s episode of Strip Search we’re really getting into the competition proper.
I’m a HUGE fan of reality TV. My wife and I watch a ton of it and I think one of my favorite things is yelling at the contestants and second guessing all their “strategies”. My favorite show is Hells Kitchen and when the chefs are nominating the people who will be up for elimination I’m always screaming at them through my television. “how could they not pick so and so!?” or “So and So is a much bigger threat what are you thinking!?” So to look at the comment sections for Strip Search and see the same sort of thing happening makes me incredibly happy.
Be sure and tune in next Tuesday for the very first elimination! Subscribing to the PATV channel on Youtube will ensure that you never miss an episode and it will also really help us out.
I’ve had a couple people ask me about all the Strip Search “spamming”. This is actually a good opportunity to mention a funny story. You might think that if we mention something once or twice here on the front page everyone will know about it and I can shut up. Well get this. Nearly a year after we launched the Penny Arcade Report we put up a survey asking people what they wanted from PAR so we could tune it a bit. Now keep in mind that PAR is on the front page of PA literally every single day. For a while it was built right into the News Post thread and now it has its very own section right over there on the side of the page.
Well I went on Twitter to link the survey and I was shocked at how many people responded with “thanks for linking to PAR I had never heard of it!” The thing is this happens all the time with stuff we talk about here on the site! What I've sort of discovered is that PA might have 3 million or so readers but they don’t all “use” PA the same way. Lots of people only hit the new comic page and never even see the news posts but I can reach some of them on Twitter. Some people only hit the site once every few weeks and catch up on a bunch of comics at once or only follow PA news on Facebook.
What that means is that I need to do a better job of reaching out to people with the cool shit we’re doing. Strip Search is super important to everyone here at PA. We really want it to succeed and for that to happen we need to make sure people see it. So I honestly apologize if you get sick of hearing me talk about it but I gotta do it. Hopefully if it really bothers you you’ll be able to tune it out and just soak up the PA news you’re after.
If you have not watched episode 3 yet you should check it out now before reading any further.
okay good.
So as mentioned in this episode the winner of the T-Shirt design competition gets their design put on a real shirt and sold through the PA store. Well that shirt is done and ready for pre-orders right now! Check out the guys shirt here and the ladies shirt here. Remember that all the proceeds from this shirt go directly to the winning artist!
-Gabe out