My kids are always coming home with some exciting new virus they picked up on the playground. This particular one is a real treat that sent me to the emergency room because it felt like I was swallowing shards of glass. Thanks son!
So sorry about the lack of colors in the comic. I was in an especially bad way last night when I sat down to draw.
I was able to get my new 3D printer working again. Thanks to the advice I got via Twitter. I ended up having to remove a couple screws and take apart the extruder. There was a clog in there that I could only remove once I cracked it open. It was easy to do and from what I am told it’s a common problem and something I needed to get familiar with doing anyway.
After I got it cleaned out I was back in business. I had printed some little stuff but wanted to try something bigger. I grabbed a model for the Hunter’s blade from Destiny but it was actually too big to print in my machine. I used a free program called NetFabb to slice it into about five parts and got to work printing. Once I had them all done I assembled them with super glue and added some finishing touches. It’s not nearly as good as some of the ones you can find online but for my first attempt I’m pretty proud.
I’ve printed some stuff for the boys as well. Gabe wanted a Creeper and Noah got a little Baymax and medal. Both boys loved painting their new models.
My wife found a little Olaf that came in a few different pieces. She also had a lot of fun assembling and painting.
I’ve been really impressed with the Dremel printer so far. It’s been running pretty much non stop for a few days now and besides the occasional clog (which I know how to fix now) I’ve had no problems. It’s currently working on the center eye of a Ghost from Destiny.
This model happens to be for me but we have a que. Next is a Pokeball for Gabe, Then Noah gets a Despicable Me Minion and Kara wants a lamp. As music, movies, and games all went digital, I remember thinking that the people who make physical objects are really the only ones that are safe from this new digital only future. After all you can’t just download a wrench.
-Gabe out