Last year I celebrated New Year's Eve in the bathroom after an especially toxic meal at the Olive Garden. This year it seems I'll spend it in bed thanks to the super virus I've contracted. I went back to the doctor yesterday and this time got four different prescriptions. I took a handful of pills this morning and once this post is done I'll crawl back into bed.
Regardless of my current situation, I know that New Year's is an exciting time. We wanted to commemorate some of that excitement this year on our store and we'll be launching them all together today at 2 PM PST. Here's a preview.
We made a limited edition pin that sparkles a lot... maybe even TOO much. We made exactly 2015 (get it?) of them.
We're also offering up some fukubukuro. Lucky bags. They're essentially grab bags of merch and special PA items. Each bag will be filled with at least $150 worth of goodies, including things you can wear, use and display and some will have special RARE items, exclusive items, of such undeniable largess that you'll be forced--by awe--off of your feet. Or that's what Brian tells me anyway. They're $75 each and are packed in exclusive screen-printed bags. They'll be available until they sell out or at midnight on January 14th, whichever comes first.
Make sure you order the correct size... you know.. IN CASE we include something like a t-shirt.
If you couldn't guess by the name, fukubukuro are a Japanese tradition and with that in mind, we wanted to do a little contest around these. Send us your best guess of what is inside our lucky bags in haiku form. We'll pick the 3 that we like the best and award the winners a fukubukuro of their own.
Send your submissions to us by January 4th at and make sure your email title is "Hai-Fukubuku-ku" so we'll be able to find your clever entry.
Finally, I'm told that the merch crew worked hard to put together a few more Double Secret Boxes. So there are a limited number of those up on the store now for you to grab along with your other New Year's purchases.
We had a lot of fun putting these bags together, so hopefully we see a few of you in our shop when this all goes live at 2 PM PST.
-Gabe out