There's a new DLC Podcast show up today and this one doesn't seem to be sped up much at all. Which means it took me almost the exact same amount of time to draw the strip, as it did for us to write it. So that's not a dumb statistic.
Be sure and check out the rest of our YouTube offerings and don't forget Club PA members get early access to a bunch of this new stuff.
Last but not least, if you liked Nightlight then you should check out my Twitter. I posted a new Nightlight doodle and answered a few questions. I have to say I really love reading all the ideas folks are tweeting me about Nightlight. Tycho and I are not like normal creators. We don't cook up an idea, flesh it out, produce something and then show you. We had an interesting idea and we're going to explore it and figure it out in front of you. This first part is the most fun, when we're figuring out how this new world works. So when I read stuff on Twitter like "I wanna see the nuns at an orphanage...the bad-ass nuns" or "So are babysitters basically mercenaries?" I get excited and that stuff ends up being a part of this world as we build it. When you post these ideas and questions about the world it just helps us flesh out the world. We end up sitting here at our desks talking for an hour about how babysitters should function in a world where monsters under the bed are real.
Nightlight is all we really talk about lately. We're sort of obsessed with it at the moment and that means you're going to get a bunch more of it real soon. Right now it looks like the last couple weeks of July will be dedicated to Nightlight.
-Gabe out