I took off yesterday and played Mad Max pretty much all day. It's a fucking great game and I ended up sketching Max this morning to warm up.
Also, while at PAX I was invited to the Nvidia booth to draw something in a program called Tiltbrush. I ended up drawing the Fruit fucker and it was super cool. It's basically painting in 3D using the HTC Vive. Each brush stroke I made hung there in the air and I could walk all around it. It's fucking bonkers. Here's a video of the final result. This view is a person watching my painting replayed at super speed. In reality it actually took me 30 minutes to draw.
If you liked that one, here is another. This one is by my friend Eka who was kind enough to export both these videos for me.
There were a few other artists who took part as well and I think Nvidia will be putting together a video of all the pieces.
I honestly cannot wait to have one of these in my house.
-Gabe out