This thing is coming up quick, which means I got to get some information out there. It's like this:
- Friday and Sunday badges are both running low on our end. Saturday passes no longer exist! Well, they exist, but people have bought them all. You should buy Friday passes, or Sunday passes, or both if you want to come!
- We're going to be testing something kinda weird in the main theater on Friday, around seven o'clock: it's gonna be The Doubleclicks, Kris Straub, and the two of us for some Quiplash and Fibbage action. This could be interesting. In quotes. So you might want to watch.
- I am beyond excited to come back down there, for a couple reasons. PAX Aus, both for the PAX and the Aus. But I also got Brenna a purse at Witchery last year, and they didn't take the security tag off of it so I'm going to bring it back with me and have it removed. You tell me: does that mean that I technically got her a gift this year, or do I need to secure a second gift? Please advise.
The official Twitter for the show is at, so following that might be a good idea if you're hitting the show.
Okay! If I forgot something, Robert will let me know and I'll come right back. But I think I got it!