It is really weird that there is a new Star Wars movie out! And they are just going to keep coming now. "There is another" hitting around next year around this time. I barely know what to do with this information, and even the information I do have is porous. I know that in The Force Awakens there is some kind of lightsaber person and one of the robots is round. That's basically the state of play. It doesn't seem like a lot to hang a movie on, but who knows.
Brenna and I attempted to catalyze a lifelong fascination with Stellar Conflict last Friday, with a preparatory viewing of what young people parsed as Episode Eye Vee, and halfway through it my son was begging me to let him go upstairs and read. Obviously, I can't be mad at him for that. But what might have seemed languorous or exotic about the pacing of the first movie just seems slow to people growing up now; even their ringtones are invigorating.
Gabriel The Younger is still resistant to the old ways, a dynamic I tried to illuminate for his father earlier. He will no doubt endure it to please his parents, and it will have all the thrills and emotional resonance of a child interminably practicing cursive. Gabriel the Elder suggested that for kids today, their Star Wars is actually Guardians of the Galaxy, which I thought depicted an interesting phenomenon. Maybe each Generation has a "Star Wars" that isn't necessarily "Star Wars," though I'm sure Disney would prefer a certain level of standardization.
As someone who explicitly determines what I like based on how many other people like it and how far it has encroached into the Universal Consciousness, this kind of full court press - which I understand is term derived from sport - mirrors the immortal Force, in that I feel both surrounded and penetrated by it.
Star Wars-ism this time around, as a function of its integration into every frame of every advertisement on Earth, is making the needle writhe and ping in the hype-ometer. I even like this shit and there are concerns about the density. I don't doubt that there is some kind of Star Wars tampon available, right by the Cool Ranch or Zesty Nacho tampons.
Maybe those aren't kinds; I don't use a lot of tampons.
(CW)TB out.