DOOM is fantastic. I'm just about done with the single player campaign after putting 8 or so hours into it. I'm already planning on going back and playing it again on a harder difficulty which is something I NEVER do. I've read a lot of good stuff about DOOM which makes me super happy but a bunch of the reviews seem to think the multiplayer is no fun. I decided to take a break from the campaign on Saturday and ended up playing multi for three straight hours. I could not stop! I played a bit this afternoon and set up a stream. Here's the video in case your interested in what the multi looks like.
Watch live video from pennyarcade on
If you liked playing Doom, Quake and Unreal Tournament back in the day, you will feel right at home here. This is a no bullshit, ridiculously fast 90's shooter and I love everything about it.
-Gabe out