I finally had the opportunity to try out the Microsoft HoloLens. I’ve played around in pretty much every consumer virtual reality rig available (with the exception of the PSVR) and I love the idea of VR but they all make me a little sick. It varies from device to device but no matter if it’s the Vive or the Gear VR, I can’t go for more than about 30 minutes without getting queasy. I’d love to play VR games all day but something about the experience just doesn’t sit right with my human body. I think “mixed reality” like the Hololens might end up being better for me as I didn’t feel any of the discomfort I get with straight VR.
I’ve seen plenty of videos of the HoloLens technology before but you really have to get this thing on your face to appreciate it I think. The device is incredibly comfortable and when it starts inserting holograms into the world around you, well it feels magical. I didn’t really know what to expect but I was honestly surprised at the “fidelity” of the holograms. Resolution isn’t really the right word but the holograms themselves are crisp and colorful. The other thing that really impressed me was the sound. The built in headphones are amazing and provide positional audio without covering your ears. Being able to see the room around you and hear the people in it while at the same time interacting with these virtual objects felt like nothing I’ve experienced before.
There’s no question that virtual reality is awesome. I read Snow Crash when I was a kid and dreamed of escaping to a fully digital world. I have had some truly incredible experiences in VR in spite of the tummy trubs. It just kind of sucks when the future arrives, and you’re not compatible with it.
-Gabe out