Lot's of people here at PA had a hand in this new Acquisitions Inc. series and we're all very proud of it. I think it's a great show and easily our best YouTube offering. My son doesn't watch TV like normal people. He just watches YouTube and I have to be honest I don't entirely understand it. He tells me all the time about the amazing things "Lachlan" is doing. I have no grand plans of becoming a YouTube star. I have no cool accent (unless lisps are rad) and while I think Jerry and I are both ruggedly handsome in our own ways, I don't expect we will ignite the tween demographic. We do not expect to be nor do we have any desire to be the next YouTube sensation. I do think this Acquisitions Inc. series is really good though and I'd love more people to see it. It would be great if you could help us out and spread the word about the new series. We do what we can on the site but I honestly think there are lots of folks outside the PA world who would really enjoy the show. So if you've seen the new AI show and you dig it, please do us a solid and share it with your friends.
-Gabe out