We have a lot we want to accomplish in the next few years, and we need somebody to help us do that - the help we're looking for right now is in the "Graphic Design" realm, and it's somebody we'd like to have in-house. From Acquisitions Incorporated to the Eyrewood to Automata, I feel like it's time to really investigate what these things mean. I had Kiko put together a slab of text to explain the skills they're looking for in Design. Here he is:
Graphic Designer
Required Skills
Merchandise & Packaging Design
Print & Web Layout
Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Portfolio submissions must reflect all required skills.
IMPORTANT: This person must have a passion for games.
Are you into all this stuff?
I'll leave submissions open until next Monday, May 8th - send your portfolio over to design@penny-arcade.com. We have more interesting work than we can physically complete right now, and I want to set somebody loose on it. We're very excited to meet you.
Penny Arcade is an equal opportunity employer. We think serving our readership best demands a diverse team.