I've only been to San Francisco twice, if I recall correctly, and the second time - the now that I am currently inhabiting - is only nominally San Franciskian. I have a layover here that could comfortably accommodate a Norse saga.
Our Star Wars: Legioning continues apace. Wargames occupy a relatively sophisticated space for he and I, which is to say Gonk et moi. There a couple common apertures through which you might arrive at this hobby, and though we're both here and we both love it, we only overlap in the very center.
One entry point is that you might be a person for whom taking a tiny, grey person and making them read as warm and alive is possible or interesting. Whether it is because these devils dream of an army of tiny thralls utterly beholden to them or some other malevolent purpose, it should be clear at this point that I am incredibly jealous of what they can accomplish. I'm not merely bad, I have something akin to "anti-skill."
Stick bugs (trust me this is going somewhere) do this super demonstrative, "I'm a leaf and not a bug!" dance whenever air passes by them, even something as gentle as your breath. They're these hilariously overblown, massive lateral movements. That's more or less what happens when I try to paint a very small man - I look like I'm trying to get the attention of a passing airplane. I remember doing the soldering for our Afterburner kit, back in the day; not pretty.
I said that there would be a second round of Never Mind That: A "C" Team Story from Nurse Normal today, and I wasn't kidding. Here's the first set to get you caught up. And don't forget: Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team returns April 25th!
(CW)TB out.