I think my first notes for the game that would eventually become Thornwatch are from 2011.
Originally I set out to design a card based RPG that I could run for my Monday night D&D group. I had the opportunity to show a very early prototype to Mike Selinker and he managed to convince me that what I had could be developed into a full blown game that we could actually publish. So we teamed up with Lone Shark games and over the years my raw idea got pounded into shape by some of the best minds in tabletop gaming. Rodney Thompson, Mike Selinker and Chad Brown all worked their asses off to help me turn Thornwatch into the game it is today...and that game is finally for sale!
along with the Dark of the Wood expansion which adds new characters, judges and stories.
So what is Thornwatch? Well I ran a demo of it a couple weeks ago on Twitch. If you’re curious about how the game works this video will break it all the way down for you.
Watch PA Presents: Thornwatch from PennyArcade on www.twitch.tv
If you’re a fan of the Eyrewood I should tell you that Thornwatch and the expansion Dark of the Wood are both packed full of new Eyrewood stories and lore. Even though the game is called Thronwatch, you will encounter Daughters of the Eyrewood as well as Lookouts. You’ll see familiar Eyrewood monsters and tons of new enemies. We also reveal a lot of major secrets about how the Eyrewood actually works and detail its pantheon. This game is essentially a massive Eyrwood graphic novel that you get to play.
If you have any questions about the game or the development process please hit me up on Twitter. I’ll keep an eye on it today and try and answer anything I can. Thank you all so much for your support over the years. Especially those of you who played various incarnations of Thornwatch over the years at PAX shows. You’re playtesting and input was invaluable. I'm incredibly proud of Thornwatch and I hope you'll take the time to check it out.
-Gabe out