We have sponsored streams today, a couple of them more or less back to back, one for a game I own but have been too intimidated to learn and one for a game I have taught many people to play. It's all happening on our Twitch thing. Thanks for stopping by, Level99!
The first is Millennium Blades, a board game about collectible card games(?). In the fiction, a CCG - also called Millennium Blades - has been in print for over a thousand years. The game starts on pre-release night, and as the game progresses you collect cards, trade cards, enter tournaments, and try to build your own legend. It seems like a board game about the fantasy of card battling you might see in a cartoon? The ideas are so big and the box is so large I've always been curious but never curious enough to offset the fear. I've asked the designer to come up sometime and teach me for a couple years now and it's fucking happening today at 12:30pm PST. I wasn't aware there was an expansion/storage solution being Kickstarted right now, so that's probably why he's up here and not just to teach me. Which is fine.
The second game is Exceed, where fighting game characters are distilled into a single deck - there's no CCG shenanigans, you grab a box the way you'd choose a character at the select screen in a fighter and you're done. I've played well over a hundred rounds of Exceed, so I'm already a fan, but it would be my pleasure to give you a tour of the game's concepts and roster. The latest set features Street Fighter characters, which must be considered the brass ring of fighting game licenses, and it's really interesting to see how their styles and personalities have been integrated. This tender portion of the stream begins at 3pm PDT!
I'll see you there!
(CW)TB out.