I've tried for a few days now to understand the term Sweaty (adj.), sometimes utilized in the noun form Sweat. That is to say, a Sweat is someone who Plays Sweaty and moistens game lobbies such that the lobby itself becomes a Sweaty Lobby. This is a lobby where some of the participants care so much about the outcome of the match that they endeavor to win the round by utilizing perks and weapons. There is some nuance to the position, but it's not actually solvable. People have different reasons for playing games.
I go into every round assuming that I'm going to lose, and I also know who such failure accrues to, and so it never occurred to me that I should found some kind of a religion that canonizes my own sloth. Clearly, the opposing team is the hated and monst'rous foe - we're not gonna be friends. And it's possible to care too much about winning, where you abuse your teammates and yell in chat. I can't tolerate that. I'll literally throw a game when confronted with that kind of behavior. But merely giving a shit to the extent that you use perks and listen hard for enemies - Soundwhoring, in the parlance - I can't follow any of this. I like a firm neologism as much as the next guy, but these words all reveal really odd things about the people who use them.
Getting close to the end of the Third Season of Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team, next episode starts tonight at 4pm PST - and during what is already a momentous occasion, we will also be giving away a copy of Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated, a game so stuffed with content you might want a friend around to help you carry it. It launches today, and to prove it, let me link you to our store where the first 100 orders of the game get Dora's awesome Shadow Council pin as a free gift. Just add the game to your cart, and when you check out Lidija's backend magick will drop the pin right in your bag.
Let me make it clear that we're not taking Dora's own pin and giving it away - that's not who we are as people. It's not the kind of environment we're trying to foster. It's a pin she designed, we made a bunch of them, and we're giving those away. Know that her pin is secure.
(CW)TB out.