Gabe has been getting into Cris Tales, and one of the main reasons for that is that his psychological reward structure has no defense against the onslaught of beautiful art in this game. Because our world is a fallen and decrepit place, we never had a collaboration between Square Enix and Mary Blair so it's nice to see these devs making up for some lost time.
One thing he won't, physically can't do is listen to characters - even lovingly rendered, visionary characters - talk about school or pastries or their dad or whatever. This extends into the books he likes - even when reading a book, historically a rich source of text, what he's looking for is a big idea whose size crowds out a lot of "snappy" dialogue or 4k navel analysis. He likes - for example - a book about a single person on Mars from the perspective of the same Mars person I was just mentioning. I'd say that book is configured something like his desired zenith.
He wants to be shown things and not told things, and he can alter the ratio by pressing the skip button over and over but sometimes he presses it too many times which occasionally leads to despair. For my part, crushing disappointment is sort of the baseline, but the chasm between that blasted plain and joy is one I will happily fill with orcs for the third time.
(CW)TB out.