I thought that I had defeated Australia, with all the beasts and malevolent flora it could muster, but some errant spore musta got in because I slept until 10:30am. There was no school so I didn't set my customary alarm, and I was surprised to learn that in the absence of this simple nudge I apparently revert directly to wastrel bachelordom with no intermediate steps.
Today's strip features a phrase which is prized at the Krahulik compound, most prized indeed. We were playing a few more Kill Team learning games, and the warp-tainted Thousand Sons team, called a Warpcoven because, you know, Grimdark, engages in bullying quite regularly. Is it their literal sorcerors, goading their sarcophoguys into battle with a gleaming Khopesh? Or is it their heavy weapons, twisted by the Empyrean, that might as well shoot coffins and save everybody a step? The "why" probably isn't the most important thing. They're super bad, just… in general. Oh, and check out that strip linked as "sarcophoguys," and consider that was only a short year ago. The man has been laid low, with a case of the Warhammers as bad as any I've ever seen. He's even getting his kids into it! His kids.
Oh! And don't forget, you can still request access to Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, Fatshark's Vermintide follow-up plus ranged combat. An Imperial Hive World might be the optimal environment for a game like this, one whose content is meant to be reconfigured and revisited, and their triumph at making a Left 4 Dead style co-op game with credible melee is gonna provide the perfect substrate for this. I've seen lots of people get in after putting in for it today, so this might be a good weekend for the both of us.
(CW)TB out.